This life is pretty awesome and fleeting, and probably the only one we have, so let’s take your storytelling photographs for someone to discover in an attic someday. Whatever your moment is we’re capturing, I only want you to be authentically you.
I know how to manage the kid-crazies, deal with crappy lighting after the pretty natural light goes away, and make the most out of an unexpected raining day. With a BA in Photography and Art minor, and 24 years experience as a professional photographer - that experience is kind of a big deal.
My major loves include my husband Joseph and spirited kids Neko and Ezra, my 2 pups Mochi and Noodle, all things paranormal, old school indie rock, interior design, old film cameras, cabins in the woods, collecting rocks, interpretive dancing, collage art, bare feet in green grass, boating, burritos, doughnuts, and puns.
That's my story - I'd love to hear yours.
-Kelly Wilde (the mug behind the camera)
My work has been featured on Green Wedding Shoes, Ruffled, Portland Bride & Groom Magazine, Oregon Bride Magazine, Style Me Pretty, DIY Bride, Whimsical Wonderland, The Bridal Theory,, Hitched in the Hood, Off-Beat Bride, and others.
© 2025 June Lion Photography|ProPhoto 6|La Lune Creative