Portland Family Photographer: 2023 Yearbook

I don’t think my photographs will ever change the world, but I hope they’ll make a difference in the lives of the families I document. Photos have the power to spark memories of childhood and parenthood 50 years from now, show kids how loved and appreciated they are, and remind us now of how fortunate we are to have each other.

For these “yearbook” posts, it’s satisfying to see these photos again and collect some of the images that inspire me as an artist, and to share, re-explore, and help me remember my photography career. It’s tough in that I’d love to include every client I adore, but I don’t always have the specific images to vibe with a particular collection. I tend to gravitate towards those less overtly happy, more fine art documentary, off-beat, odd-ball, mostly black & white images, and those images that show off the diversity of my clients, and my work, across the 54 maternity and family clients I photographed in 2023.

I hope you enjoy this collection as a reminder of the essence of humanity, and a belated reflection on the year 2023!


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