The 2022 Yearbook: Portland Family Photographer

When sifting through the 88 family, maternity, and newborn sessions I had in 2022 for putting together this “Yearbook” of images, my main criteria was “Can I imagine this in someone’s box of photographs 50 years from now, feeling timeless, nostalgic, raw, and giving someone the same feeling they had the day I took it?” I hope when looking at this “artist cut” of photographs you get the same *feels* that they gave my families. I really wish I could have included images of everyone I photographed, but these were just a selection of images that sparked something different in me that I haven’t felt before. A little more mood, a little more black and white, all the realness, more artful – a set of photographs that stirred something in my heart.

Thank you, thank you, to all those people that entrusted me to document their lives, made beautiful artwork and albums with me, and made memories for now, and for your children’s children 80 years from now. I hope the images help you cherish these days of childhood, even when the days are hard.


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